Military Consumer Protection Day 2015

Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo White is leading a  multi-agency event to support Military Consumer Protection Day 2015, highlighting how service members can best protect themselves and their finances from fraud and identity theft.  Other federal agencies participating include the  the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the Department of Justice’s Service Members and Veterans … Continue reading Military Consumer Protection Day 2015

SIFMA’s Senior Investors Forum

SIFMA Conference Center New York City, NY, United States

SIFMA’s Senior Investors Forum: Serving the Needs of Our Aging Investors brings together advisors, regulators, compliance officers, attorneys and academic experts to discuss the innovative practices in place to ensure our aging clients are properly protected against those seeking to part them from their hard-earned savings and rob them of their retirement security. Currently, Americans … Continue reading SIFMA’s Senior Investors Forum

SIFMA Global Tax Reporting Symposium

SIFMA Conference Center New York City, NY, United States

The SIFMA Global Tax Reporting Symposium, providing in-depth perspective on financial services reporting and withholding in today’s global marketplace, will bring together industry and government experts to discuss three evolving tax compliance regimes: FATCA: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act CRS: OECD Common Reporting Standard Section 871(m) of the Internal Revenue Code The symposium will explore … Continue reading SIFMA Global Tax Reporting Symposium

SIFMA Annual Meeting 2015

The Ritz Carlton 1150 22nd Street, N.W., Washington, District of Columbia, DC, United States

Leaders of the financial services industry will gather in the nation’s capital at the 2015 SIFMA Annual Meeting: The Capital Markets Conference to discuss  challenges and the ways the industry can continue to drive capital formation, job creation and economic growth. Click here for registration information.  

FINRA Announces CEO Transition

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) today announced that its Board of Governors has concluded the CEO search, and appointed Robert W. Cook as President and Chief Executive Officer, effective the second half of 2016. Mr. Cook will succeed Richard G. Ketchum, who has served as Chairman and CEO since 2009. The Board intends to … Continue reading FINRA Announces CEO Transition

FINRA Updates the Transparency Services Participant Agreement

FINRA member firms that have an obligation to report over-the-counter secondary market transactions in eligible equity and fixed income securities must submit their transaction reports to the appropriate FINRA facility and are required to complete a participant application agreement before they are given access to the facility. Facilities covered by the FINRA Transparency Services Participation … Continue reading FINRA Updates the Transparency Services Participant Agreement

SEC Approves FINRA’s Capital Acquisition Broker (CAB) Rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved FINRA’s rule set for firms that meet the definition of “capital acquisition broker” (CAB) and that elect to be governed under this rule set. CABs are firms that engage in a limited range of activities, essentially advising companies and private equity funds on capital raising and corporate restructuring, … Continue reading SEC Approves FINRA’s Capital Acquisition Broker (CAB) Rules

FINRA Reviews Outside Business Activities and Private Securities Transactions

The review centers on rules governing broker-dealer employees’ business and securities activities carried out away from their firm – activities that are outside the regular course or scope of their employment with the firm. These rules were designed to protect investors from potentially problematic or risky activities that are unknown to the firm but could … Continue reading FINRA Reviews Outside Business Activities and Private Securities Transactions

FINRA360 Comment Period Deadline

The ability of small and large businesses to raise capital efficiently is critical to job creation and economic growth. Broker-dealers play a vital role in helping businesses raise capital through the securities markets, and as a self-regulatory organization (SRO) for broker-dealers, FINRA has a variety of rules, operations and administrative processes that address their capital-raising … Continue reading FINRA360 Comment Period Deadline

FINRA Rule 2241 & 2242 Comment Period Deadline

) FINRA seeks comment on proposed amendments to FINRA Rule 2241 (Research Analysts and Research Reports) and FINRA Rule 2242 (Debt Research Analysts and Debt Research Reports) to create a limited safe harbor for specified brief, written analysis distributed to eligible institutional investors that comes from sales and trading or principal trading personnel but that … Continue reading FINRA Rule 2241 & 2242 Comment Period Deadline

FINRA Extends Comment Period for Capital Financing Notices

In response to requests for an extension, FINRA has extended the comment period for Regulatory Notices 17-14, 17-15 and 17-16 to July 14, 2017. In addition, FINRA updated Attachments A and B related to Regulatory Notice 17-15 to make a technical correction to subsection (g) of the rule text.  

Military Spouses Receive Fellowships

The FINRA Investor Education Foundation has awarded fellowships to 50 military spouses seeking to earn their AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor®) designation to provide military service members and their families one-on-one and group financial counseling and education. Through the 2017 Military Spouse Fellowship Program, Fellows undergo rigorous training, coursework and experiential hours to gain hands-on experience … Continue reading Military Spouses Receive Fellowships

FINRA Annual Meeting of Firms

FINRA Washington, D.C. 1735 K Street, NW, Washington, D.C.

FINRA will conduct its annual meeting of firms on Tuesday, August 22, 2017, at 10 a.m. Eastern Time in the FINRA Visitors Center, 1735 K Street, NW, in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the meeting is to elect individuals to fill one small firm and one large firm seat on the FINRA Board of Governors … Continue reading FINRA Annual Meeting of Firms

FINRA Foundation Seeks Applicants for Military Spouse Fellowship

The FINRA Investor Education Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship is accepting applications for its 2018 class of financial Fellows — a unique program designed to increase the financial capability of U.S. service members and their families. The national program offers military spouses the opportunity to earn a career-enhancing credential — the AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor®) — … Continue reading FINRA Foundation Seeks Applicants for Military Spouse Fellowship

FINRA Board of Governors Reviews Goals

FINRA Board 1735 K Street NW, Washington DC, DC, United States

The FINRA Board of Governors will meet for the first time in 2018. In keeping with their usual practice for the first meeting of the year, the Board will review FINRA’s annual corporate goals. The Board will also receive an update on FINRA360, the organizational improvement initiative that kicked off last year. In addition, during … Continue reading FINRA Board of Governors Reviews Goals

SEC Request for Comment: Code of Arbitration Procedures

The SEC published a proposed rule change to amend FINRA Rules 12600 and 12800 of the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Customer Disputes (''Customer Code'') and 13600 and 13800 of the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Industry Disputes ("Industry Code," and together with the Customer Code, the ''Codes''), to amend the hearing provisions to provide … Continue reading SEC Request for Comment: Code of Arbitration Procedures

Global Finance Forum

Ritz-Carlton West-End, Washington, D.C., United States

The 2nd annual Global Finance Forum is hosted by the American Investment Council (AIC), Futures Industry Association (FIA), Investment Company Institute (ICI), Managed Funds Association (MFA), Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Center for Capital Market Competitiveness. In conjunction with IMF-World Bank spring meetings, the second annual Global … Continue reading Global Finance Forum

FINRA Foundation Seeks Applicants for Military Spouse Fellowship

The FINRA Investor Education Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship is accepting applications for its 2018 class of financial Fellows — a unique program designed to increase the financial capability of U.S. service members and their families. The national program offers military spouses the opportunity to earn a career-enhancing credential — the AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor®) — … Continue reading FINRA Foundation Seeks Applicants for Military Spouse Fellowship

SIFMA Annual Meeting

Mandarin Oriental 1330 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C., DC, United States

Each fall, SIFMA’s Annual Meeting gathers in Washington, D.C. for candid one-on-one conversations and in-depth breakout sessions on the state of our capital markets. Mark your calendar to join us on October 1-2, 2018 at the Mandarin Oriental, Washington DC for expert insights and unparalleled networking with the foremost policymakers, regulators and financial market experts.

FINRA Special Election – National Adjudicatory Council

FINRA is conducting a Special Election to fill a Small Firm Vacancy on the National Adjudicatory Council. Petitions for candidacy are due December 13, 2018. Any eligible individual who obtains the requisite number of valid petitions may be included as a candidate on the ballot by following the petition procedures set forth in FINRA Regulation's … Continue reading FINRA Special Election – National Adjudicatory Council

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