SEC Approves Amendments to Equity Trade Reporting and OATS Rules

Regulatory Notice 14-21 SEC Approves Amendments to Equity Trade Reporting and OATS Rules Effective Dates: OATS: April 7, 2014; ORF: September 15, 2014; ADF and TRFs: (millisecond reporting): September 29, 2014; ADF and TRFs (remaining amendments): First Quarter 2015   Executive Summary The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved amendments to FINRA rules governing … Continue reading SEC Approves Amendments to Equity Trade Reporting and OATS Rules

SEC Approves Amendments to Equity Trade Reporting and OATS Rules

Regulatory Notice 14-21 Effective Dates: OATS: April 7, 2014; ORF: September 15, 2014; ADF and TRFs: (millisecond reporting): September 29, 2014; ADF and TRFs (remaining amendments): First Quarter 2015 Executive Summary The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved amendments to FINRA rules governing the reporting of (i) over-the-counter (OTC) transactions in equity securities to … Continue reading SEC Approves Amendments to Equity Trade Reporting and OATS Rules

SIFMA Testifies on Legislative Proposals to Enhance Capital Formation and Reduce Regulatory Burdens

Chairman and CEO of Stifel and member of the SIFMA Board of Directors, testified on behalf of SIFMA this week before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises. Kruszewski noted the proposals under discussion are important and appropriate work to promote capital formation. They build upon the success of the … Continue reading SIFMA Testifies on Legislative Proposals to Enhance Capital Formation and Reduce Regulatory Burdens

Effective Date for Amendments to TRACE rules

The SEC approved amendments to the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE) rules and dissemination protocols to provide for dissemination of transactions in an additional group of asset-backed securities and to reduce the time frame for reporting such transactions, other than Fixed or List Price and Takedown Transactions. Transactions in asset-backed securities effected pursuant to … Continue reading Effective Date for Amendments to TRACE rules

Comment Period Ends: SEC Request for Public Feedback to Inform Policy for Exchange-Traded Products

U.S. securities regulators are asking the public to weigh in on how new and novel exchange-traded products should be listed, marketed and traded, as part of an effort to potentially write new rules for the sector. The Securities and Exchange Commission cited an ever-increasing number of requests by funds to launch new kinds of complex … Continue reading Comment Period Ends: SEC Request for Public Feedback to Inform Policy for Exchange-Traded Products

Effective Date of consolidated FINRA Rule 3110(e)

The SEC approved FINRA’s proposed rule change to adopt NASD Rule 3010(e) (Qualifications Investigated) relating to background checks on registration applicants as FINRA Rule 3110(e).  FINRA Rule 3110(e) becomes effective on July 1, 2015. 3110(e) is based in part on substantially similar provisions in NASD Rule 3010 (e) and includes new provisions relating to the … Continue reading Effective Date of consolidated FINRA Rule 3110(e)

SEC and FINRA to Hold National Compliance Outreach Program for Broker-Dealers

SEC Washington D.C. headquarters 100 F Street N. E., Washington D.C., DC, United States

WASHINGTON — The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) today announced the opening of registration for their 2015 National Compliance Outreach Program for Broker-Dealers. The program is intended to provide an open forum for regulators and industry professionals to discuss compliance practices and exchange ideas on effective compliance structures. The … Continue reading SEC and FINRA to Hold National Compliance Outreach Program for Broker-Dealers

Military Consumer Protection Day 2015

Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo White is leading a  multi-agency event to support Military Consumer Protection Day 2015, highlighting how service members can best protect themselves and their finances from fraud and identity theft.  Other federal agencies participating include the  the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the Department of Justice’s Service Members and Veterans … Continue reading Military Consumer Protection Day 2015

Effective Date of FINRA Rule 2040 – Payment to Unregistered Persons

FINRA Rule 2040 ("Rule") governs the payment of transaction-based compensation by member firms to unregistered persons.  The new amendment to the Rule is effective August 24, 2015. The amended It expressly aligns the rule with Section 15(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (SEA or Exchange Act) and its related guidance to determine whether … Continue reading Effective Date of FINRA Rule 2040 – Payment to Unregistered Persons

Effective Date of FINRA Rule 0190

FINRA Notice to Members 15-07 noted that  the effective date of Rule 0190 is August 24, 2015.  Rule 0190 is based largely on NASD IM-2420-1(a) (Transactions Between Members and Non-Members; Non-members of the Association) and provides that a member firm will be considered as a non-member of FINRA from the effective date of any order … Continue reading Effective Date of FINRA Rule 0190

Comment Period Ends: FINRA Rule 3210 replacing NASD 3050

The SEC requests comment on a proposal to adopt FINRA Rule 3210 (Accounts At Other Broker-Dealers and Financial Institutions) into the Consolidated FINRA Rulebook and to delete NASD Rule 3050, Incorporated NYSE Rules 407 and 407A and Incorporated NYSE Rule Interpretations 407/01 and 407/02. The proposed rule addresses accounts opened or established by associated persons … Continue reading Comment Period Ends: FINRA Rule 3210 replacing NASD 3050

Amendments to Trace Reports Require Firms to Identify Transactions with Non-Member Affiliates in TRACE Trade Reports – Effective Date

Amendments to the TRACE reporting rules were approved by the SEC to the to permit FINRA to implement a new contra-party type for use by firms in identifying transactions with non-member affiliates. The amendment also requires firms to separately identify transactions with non-member affiliates that occur within the same day, at the same price and … Continue reading Amendments to Trace Reports Require Firms to Identify Transactions with Non-Member Affiliates in TRACE Trade Reports – Effective Date

Comments Period Ends: Proposal to Merge FINRA Dispute Resolution Subsidiaries

The SEC comment period ends November 3, 2015 on FINRA's proposal to merge its dispute resolution subsidiaries, FINRA Dispute Resolution, Inc. into and with its regulatory subsidiary, FINRA Regulation, Inc. FINRA's existing dispute resolution program would continue to operate as a separate department within FINRA Regulation, and would be referred to as the Office of Dispute Resolution.

Comment Period Ends: FINRA’s Funding Portal Rules

SEC 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C, DC, United States

The SEC requested comment on FINRA's proposal to adopt Funding Portal Rules 100, 110, 200, 300, 800, 900 and 1200 (collectively, the "Funding Portal Rules") and related forms that would apply to SEC-registered funding portals that become FINRA members pursuant to the JOBS Act and the SEC's Regulation Crowdfunding. The proposal would also adopt new FINRA Rule 4518 (Notification to FINRA in Connection with the JOBS ACT) in the FINRA rulebook. The comment period expires November 18, 2015.

Effective Date: Amendments to Require Firms to Report Transactions in TRACE-Eligible Securities As Soon As Practicable

SEC 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C, DC, United States

The SEC approved amendments to the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE) rules to codify that firms are required to report transactions in TRACE-eligible securities that are subject to dissemination as soon as practicable following the time of execution of the transaction. The amendment will become effective on November 30, 2015.The amended rule text is available in the online FINRA Manual.

Disclosure of Order Routing Practices (SEC Rule 606) (Q4 2015)

SEC Rule 606 requires broker/dealers that route orders on behalf of customers to prepare quarterly reports that disclose the identity of the venues to which it routed orders for execution. The reports also will disclose the nature of the broker-dealers relationship with those venues, including the existence of any internalization or payment for order flow … Continue reading Disclosure of Order Routing Practices (SEC Rule 606) (Q4 2015)

Comment Period Ends on Proposed FINRA Rules Amendments Related to Conversaion T+2 Settlement Cycle

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA")  issued Regulatory Notice  16-09, in which FINRA is seeking comments on proposed amendments to FINRA rules relating to the settlement cycle.  FINRA proposes to adopt necessary rule changes in a manner and timeline that is consistent with the SEC and other self-regulatory organizations SROs in an effort to provide the … Continue reading Comment Period Ends on Proposed FINRA Rules Amendments Related to Conversaion T+2 Settlement Cycle

Effective Date: Amendments to FINRA Rule 2340 Regarding DPP and Unlisted REIT Securities

The SEC amendments to NASD Rule 2340 (Customer Account Statements) become effective on April 11, 2016.  The amendments modify the requirements relating to the inclusion of per share  estimated values for direct participation program (DPP) and unlisted real  estate investment trust (REIT) securities on account statements, and to FINRA  Rule 2310 (Direct Participation Programs) to make corresponding … Continue reading Effective Date: Amendments to FINRA Rule 2340 Regarding DPP and Unlisted REIT Securities

SEC Requests Comments on Communications Rules

The SEC requests comment on FINRA's proposal to amend FINRA Rules 2210 (Communications with the Public), 2213 (Requirements for the Use of Bond Mutual Fund Volatility Ratings) and 2214 (Requirements for the Use of Investment Analysis Tools). In furtherance of the recommendations arising from FINRA's retrospective review of its communications with the public rules, the … Continue reading SEC Requests Comments on Communications Rules

SEC Approves OATS Amendments to Require Identification of Non-FINRA Member Broker-Dealers

Beginning August 1, 2016, firms that report information to OATS will be required to include on their reports the identity of U.S.-registered broker-dealers that are not FINRA members and broker-dealers that are not registered in the U.S. but have received an SRO-assigned identifier. The identities may be reported using either the broker-dealer’s Central Registration Depository … Continue reading SEC Approves OATS Amendments to Require Identification of Non-FINRA Member Broker-Dealers

Quarterly FOCUS and SSOI Filing (Quarter ending 09/30/2016)

In accordance with SEC Rule 17a-5(a)(2)(iii), each broker/dealer registered pursuant to section 15 of the Act who does not carry nor clear transactions nor carry customer accounts shall file Part IIA of Form X-17 A-5 within 17 business days after the end of each calendar quarter.

Net Capital Computation (Month ending 10/31/2016)

In accordance with SEC Rule 15c3-1, each broker/dealer registered pursuant to Section 15 of the Act must have evidence of the computation of net capital monthly. That computation should be completed and approved by the FINOP within 17 business days after the end of each month.

Quarterly FOCUS and SSOI Filing (Quarter ending 12/31/2016)

In accordance with SEC Rule 17a-5(a)(2)(iii), each broker/dealer registered pursuant to section 15 of the Act who does not carry nor clear transactions nor carry customer accounts shall file Part IIA of Form X-17 A-5 within 17 business days after the end of each calendar quarter.

SEC Approves FINRA’s Capital Acquisition Broker (CAB) Rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved FINRA’s rule set for firms that meet the definition of “capital acquisition broker” (CAB) and that elect to be governed under this rule set. CABs are firms that engage in a limited range of activities, essentially advising companies and private equity funds on capital raising and corporate restructuring, … Continue reading SEC Approves FINRA’s Capital Acquisition Broker (CAB) Rules

Compliance Date for T+2 Settlement Cycle for Securities Transactions

The SEC adopted an amendment to shorten the standard settlement cycle for most broker-dealer securities transactions by one business day ("T+2").  Currently, the standard settlement cycle for these transactions is three business days, known as T+3.  The amendment to Rule 15c6-1(a) shortens the settlement cycle to two business days.   The compliance date for broker-dealers … Continue reading Compliance Date for T+2 Settlement Cycle for Securities Transactions

Investment Advisers Face Enhanced Information Reporting

The  Securities and Exchange Commission  (SEC) adopted amendments to several Investment Advisers Act rules, including the investment adviser registration data collection and reporting forms to enhance the reporting and disclosure of information by Investment Advisers.  These amendments are intended to improve the quality of information that investment advisers provide to investors and the SEC. “These … Continue reading Investment Advisers Face Enhanced Information Reporting

SEC Covered Securities Amendment to Rule 146

The Securities and Exchange Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’) is adopting an amendment to Rule 146 under Section 18 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (‘‘Securities Act’’), to designate certain securities listed, or authorized for listing, on Investors Exchange LLC (‘‘IEX’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) as covered securities for purposes of Section 18(b) of the Securities … Continue reading SEC Covered Securities Amendment to Rule 146

SEC Request for Comment: Code of Arbitration Procedures

The SEC published a proposed rule change to amend FINRA Rules 12600 and 12800 of the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Customer Disputes (''Customer Code'') and 13600 and 13800 of the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Industry Disputes ("Industry Code," and together with the Customer Code, the ''Codes''), to amend the hearing provisions to provide … Continue reading SEC Request for Comment: Code of Arbitration Procedures

SEC Request for Comments: Amendment to Single Issuer Exemption for Broker-Dealers

The SEC (Commission) is proposing an amendment to the exemption provisions in the broker-dealer annual reporting rule under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”). The amendment would provide that a broker-dealer is not required to engage an independent public accountant to certify the broker-dealer’s annual reports if, among other things, the securities business … Continue reading SEC Request for Comments: Amendment to Single Issuer Exemption for Broker-Dealers

SEC Request for Comments: Amendments to Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations

The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") is proposing amendments to rules for nationally recognized statistical rating organizations ("NRSROs") under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act"). The amendments would provide an exemption from a rule for NRSROs with respect to credit ratings if the issuer of the security or money market instrument referred to … Continue reading SEC Request for Comments: Amendments to Rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations

SEC Request for Comment: Requirements for Security-Based Swap Dealers and Major Security-Based Swap Participants and Capital Requirements for Broker-Dealers

The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") is reopening the comment period and requesting additional comment (including potential modifications to proposed rule language) on the following: proposed amendments and new rules that would establish capital and margin requirements for security-based swap dealers ("SBSDs") and major security-based swap participants ("MSBSPs") that do not have a prudential regulator, … Continue reading SEC Request for Comment: Requirements for Security-Based Swap Dealers and Major Security-Based Swap Participants and Capital Requirements for Broker-Dealers

SEC Requests Comments: Financial Disclosures about Guarantors and Issuers of Guaranteed Securities and Affiliates Whose Securities Collateralize a Registrant’s Securities

The SEC is proposing amendments to the financial disclosure requirements for guarantors and issuers of guaranteed securities registered or being registered, and issuers’ affiliates whose securities collateralize securities registered or being registered in Regulation S-X to improve those requirements for both investors and registrants. The proposed changes are intended to provide investors with material information given … Continue reading SEC Requests Comments: Financial Disclosures about Guarantors and Issuers of Guaranteed Securities and Affiliates Whose Securities Collateralize a Registrant’s Securities

Net Capital Computation (Month ending 12/31/2018)

In accordance with SEC Rule 15c3-1, each broker/dealer registered pursuant to Section 15 of the Act must have evidence of the computation of net capital monthly. That computation should be completed and approved by the FINOP within 17 business days after the end of each month.

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